Properly Hydrate
- Drink plenty of water. HA based fillers work by using the water naturally stored in our tissues, by drinking plenty of water before and after having a dermal filler treatment it helps the filler hold its chaos and last for longer. Keeping your skin healthy and moisturized can help maintain your treatment results as well. Drinking plenty of water can keep your skin hydrated and enhance the effect of hyaluronic acid fillers.

Lip Exfoliation
- Exfoliate your lips before dermal fillers. Honey and brown sugar can exfoliate lips very successfully.

Eat Pineapple
- Eat half of a pineapple the day prior to your treatment since this fruit contains bromelain which is known to help lessen skin bruising. Once again, eat one quarter of pineapple before you have your dermal fillers infusion. Consume the final quarter of the pineapple following your treatment. Take note, the pineapple must be fresh; hence don't consume those canned or frozen ones.

Take Arnica
- Arnica is a homeopathic supplement that can help decrease bruising and swelling. We recommend taking this to all our clients prior to any treatments with Hyaluron Pen. Take an arnica tablet before your appointment and every six hours after your treatment, for the next several days. Topical Arnica is promoted as a useful treatment for the inflammation and pain associated with bruises, aches, post surgical bruising, swelling, and sprains. Oral arnica is used for the treatment of post surgical bruising and swelling, for the relief of mouth and throat inflammation, and as an abortifacient.
*Don't take Arnica Montana if you have high blood pressure or heart problems.

Vitamin C
- Oral Vitamin C, which is great for skin health in general and is a critical component in collagen formulation, helps with wound healing as well. There are studies that show if your body is undergoing any trauma you need to amp up your intake of Vitamin C. Around the time of your procedure you would want to double or triple your daily dose. I usually recommend up to 3,000 mg a day, A standard dose is about 1,000 mg per day.

Vitamin K
- Vitamin K strengthens blood vessel walls so it makes you less prone to bruising. It has been proven to cut healing time in half. Vitamin K plays a key role in helping the blood clot, preventing excessive bleeding. Good natural food sources of Vitamin K include:
Vegetable like spinach, asparagus, and broccoli
Legumes like soybeans.

- Zinc is really good for skin health in general, but it's really good for wound trauma and healing. People who are deficient in zinc can't heal as well as those who have it optimized in their system. We recommend clients take it before and then after treatment as well.

Moisturize your lips
- Apply a non - irritating lip balm (or lip moisturizer) several times a day and before bed. If your lips are very dry and cracked, try a thick ointment, such as white petroleum jelly. Ointment seals in water longer than waxes or oils. Slather on a non-irritating lip balm with SPF 30 or higher before going outdoors. Well-hydrated lips will be a very good base for the intake of hyaluronic acid and will allow the filler to last longer.

No alcohol
- It is best to avoid alcohol for at least 48 hours before treatment. This is because alcohol is a vasodilator. In simple terms, alcohol causes your blood vessels to dilate and become wider. This means the blood vessels in your lips take up more space beneath the skin, increasing the risk of bruising. Alcohol can also cause fluid retention that can increase the risk of swelling. After getting lip fillers, you want to be able to see the full results of treatment as soon as possible. Avoiding alcohol may help you enjoy your new look faster rather than waiting for bruising and swelling to subside. Alcohol will dehydrate your body which can increase in bleeding, bruising, swelling, and lumps.

No Caffeine
- It is best to avoid caffeine for at least 48 hours before treatment. Caffeine is a natural chemical with stimulant effects. It is found in coffee, tea, cola, cocoa, guarana, yerba mate, and over 60 other products. Caffeine might slow blood clotting which might increase the risk of bruising and bleeding. Caffeine blocks a hormone that can make blood vessels (which are present in the uterus) smaller, slowing the flow of blood.

No Smoking
- Smoking is associated with many health effects. However, we will stick to the effects of smoking on the skin. Every puff of a cigarette causes an influx of free radicals. Free-radicals are unstable oxygen atoms and they steal electrons from our healthy cells. This then causes our healthy cells to become unstable. Unstable cells are linked to premature ageing, such as fine lines wrinkles , by destroying our collagen and elastin. Smoking also reduces blood flow, depleting oxygen to the skin, this, delaying wound healing.

Smoking has been shown to increase your risk of infection after getting lip fillers, so it should be avoided. Smoking also causes your lips to pucker, which can apply pressure on the lips and be painful after injections. Try to avoid smoking for at least 24-48 hours before and after treatment.
No Omegas
- It is best to avoid omegas for at least 24 hours before treatment. Fish oil is a natural anticoagulant, which means it can prevent the blood from clotting. This property may help explain some of its heart health benefits, since thinning the blood may improve cardiovascular health. Omega-3s may increase bleeding risk when a person takes them with specific anticoagulant or medication.

Avoid Garlic Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba
- Garlic is another supplement that affects blood coagulation. Eating garlic itself is unlikely to be a major concern but taking Garlic supplements can have effects on blood platelets that prolong bleeding. Garlic has been used for thousands of years potentially to help reduce blood pressure and to lower cholesterol.
- Ginseng increases the amount of time it takes the blood to clot. This increases the chances of bleeding and bruising from cosmetic procedures. It can interact adversely with some drugs and decrease blood glucose levels in the body.
- Ginkgo biloba can affect bruising.

Vitamin E
- Vitamin E has been heralded for its ability to reduce the risk of blood clots, heart attack, and sudden death. Yet in some people, vitamin E causes bleeding. Scientists have known for more than 50 years the excess Vitamin E promotes bleeding by interfering with Vitamin K, which is essential in blood clotting.

Reduce the salt
- It's a good idea to reduce your salt intake for a couple of days before your appointment, especially if you're getting dermal filler. Injectable fillers contain hyaluroinic acid, which binds to water, so reducing your intake of salty foods can help reduce the appearance of swelling after your procedure.

Pain Killers & Blood Thinners
- We recommend that you avoid taking any anti-inflammatory painkillers such as ibuprofen or aspirin before having dermal fillers. These medications can increase your risk of bruising, swelling and bleeding.
Blood Thinners are medicines that help blood flow smoothly through your veins and arteries. They also keep blood clots from forming or getting bigger. They're used to treat some types of heart disease and heart defects, and other conditions that could raise your risk of getting dangerous clots. They can protect against heart attacks and strokes. But they also come with risks: For example, they'll cause you to bleed more than usual when you cut yourself.
Any treatment with dermal fillers and local Anaesthetics, can cause significant bruising if you are on blood thinners. Treatment with hyaluronic pen can cause additional bruising, which will slow your healing and promote swelling.
Waxing, tweezing, bleaching, retinol, glycolic acid
Don't Wax, tweeze, bleach, or use hair removal products on the treatment area for at least two days before the treatment.. This can cause irritation.
Don't use topical products such as retinol, Retin-A, retinoids, and glycolic acid for at least two days before the procedure.